Böhmelt, Tobias, and Lawrence Ezrow. Forthcoming. “Policy Issue Salience and Legislative Output of Populist Governments: Evidence from Immigration Policies.” Forthcoming in Journal of European Public Policy. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence, Michele Fenzl, and Timothy Hellwig. 2024. “Bicameralism and Policy Responsiveness to Public Opinion.” American Journal of Political Science 68(3): 1089-1105. (PDF) (blog)
Adams, James, Luca Bernardi, Lawrence Ezrow, and Zeynep Somer-Topcu. 2024. “Why Parties Gain Votes When the Public Perceives Them Shifting to the Right.” Political Studies 72(3): 1202-1222. (PDF)
Böhmelt, Tobias, Lawrence Ezrow, and Roi Zur. 2024. “Anti-Immigration Party Success Abroad and Voter Polarization at Home.” Electoral Studies 88(102762): 1-11. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence, and Werner Krause. 2023. “Voter Turnout Decline and Party Responsiveness.” British Journal of Political Science 53(1): 85-103. (PDF)
Böhmelt, Tobias, Lawrence Ezrow, and Roni Lehrer. 2022. “Populism and Intra-Party Democracy.” European Journal of Political Research 61(4): 1143-1154. (PDF)
Adams, James, Tobias Böhmelt, Lawrence Ezrow, and Petra Schleiter. 2022. “Backlash Policy Diffusion to Populists in Power.” PLoS ONE 17(9): e0273951. (PDF)
Senninger, Roman, Daniel Bischof, and Lawrence Ezrow. 2022. “How Transnational Party Alliances Influence National Parties’ Policies.” Political Science Research and Methods 10(3): 651-658. (PDF)
Böhmelt, Tobias, and Lawrence Ezrow. 2022. “How Party Platforms on Immigration Become Policy.” Journal of Public Policy 42(1): 1-19. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence, Tobias Böhmelt, Roni Lehrer, and Hugh Ward. 2021. “Follow the Foreign Leader? Why Following Foreign Incumbents is an Effective Electoral Strategy.” Party Politics 27(4): 716-729. (PDF)
Schleiter, Petra, Tobias Böhmelt, Lawrence Ezrow, and Roni Lehrer. 2021. “Social Democratic Party Exceptionalism and Transnational Policy Linkages.” World Politics 73(3): 512-544. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence, Timothy Hellwig, and Michele Fenzl. 2020. “Responsiveness, If You Can Afford It: Policy Responsiveness in Good and Bad Economic Times.” Journal of Politics 82(3): 1166-1170. (PDF)
Adams, James, Luca Bernardi, Lawrence Ezrow, Oakley Gordon, Tzu-Ping Liu, and Christy Phillips. 2019. “A Problem with Empirical Studies of Party Policy Shifts: Alternative Measures of Party Shifts are Uncorrelated.” European Journal of Political Research 58(4): 1234-1244. (PDF)
Böhmelt, Tobias, Lawrence Ezrow, Roni Lehrer, Petra Schleiter, and Hugh Ward. 2017. “Why Dominant Governing Parties Are Cross-Nationally Influential.” International Studies Quarterly 61(4): 749-759. (PDF)
Lehrer, Roni, Lawrence Ezrow, Tobias Böhmelt, and Hugh Ward. 2017. “Intra-Party Democracy and Responsiveness to Rival Parties’ Policies.” Social Science Quarterly 98(3): 1026-1044. (PDF)
Adams, James, Lawrence Ezrow, and Christopher Wlezien. 2016. “The Company You Keep: How Voters Infer Party Positions on European Integration from Governing Coalition Arrangements.” American Journal of Political Science 60(4): 811-823. (PDF)
· Pi Sigma Alpha Award for best paper at the 2015 MPSA meetings.
Böhmelt, Tobias, Lawrence Ezrow, Roni Lehrer, and Hugh Ward. 2016. “Party Policy Diffusion.” American Political Science Review 110(2): 397-410. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence, and Georgios Xezonakis. 2016. “Satisfaction with Democracy and Voter Turnout: A Temporal Perspective.” Party Politics 22(1): 3-14. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence, and Timothy Hellwig. 2015. “The Hidden Cost of Consensus: How Coordinated Market Economies Insulate Politics.” Research and Politics 2(4): 1-7. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence, and Timothy Hellwig. 2014. “Responding to Voters or Responding to Markets? Political Parties and Public Opinion in an Era of Globalization.” International Studies Quarterly 58(4): 816-827. (PDF)
· Washington Post Monkey Cage, July 21, 2014
Adams, James, Lawrence Ezrow, and Zeynep Somer-Topcu. 2014. “Do Voters Respond to Party Manifestos or to a Wider Information Environment? An Analysis of Mass-Elite Linkages on European Integration.” American Journal of Political Science 58(4): 967-978. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence, Jonathan Homola, and Margit Tavits. 2014. “When Extremism Pays: Policy Positions, Voter Certainty, and Party Support in Postcommunist Europe.” Journal of Politics 76(2): 535-547. (PDF) (data and do-file)
Ezrow, Lawrence, Margit Tavits, and Jonathan Homola. 2014. “Voter Polarization, Strength of Partisanship, and Support for Extreme Parties.” Comparative Political Studies 47(11): 1558-1583. (PDF) (supplementary file)
· Washington Post Monkey Cage, August 15, 2014 (“When does polarization matter?)
Adams, James, Lawrence Ezrow, Samuel Merrill, III, and Zeynep Somer-Topcu. 2013. “Does Collective Responsibility for Performance Alter Party Strategies? Policy-Seeking Strategies in Proportional Systems.” British Journal of Political Science 43(1): 1-23. (PDF)
Abney, Ronni, James Adams, Michael Clark, Malcolm Easton, Lawrence Ezrow, Spyros Kosmidis, and Anja Neundorf. 2013. “When Does Valence Matter? Heightened Valence Effects for Governing Parties during Election Campaigns.” Party Politics 19(1): 61-82. (PDF)
Adams, James, Lawrence Ezrow, and Debra Leiter. 2012. “Partisan Sorting and Niche Parties in Europe.” West European Politics 35(6): 1272-1294. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence, and Georgios Xezonakis. 2011. “Citizen Satisfaction with Democracy and Parties’ Policy Offerings.” Comparative Political Studies 44(9): 1152-1178. (PDF)
Adams, James, Lawrence Ezrow, and Zeynep Somer-Topcu. 2011. “Is Anybody Listening? Evidence That Voters Do Not Respond to European Parties’ Policy Statements During Elections.” American Journal of Political Science 55(2): 370-382. (PDF)
· 2011 Best Article Award in the American Journal of Political Science
Ward, Hugh, Lawrence Ezrow, and Han Dorussen. 2011. “Globalization, Party Positions, and the Median Voter.” World Politics 63(3): 509-547. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence. 2011. “Electoral Systems and Party Responsiveness.” In: Schofield, Norman, and Gonzalo Caballero (eds.). Political Economy of Institutions, Democracy and Voting. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 303-326. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence, Catherine E. De Vries, Marco Steenbergen, and Erica E. Edwards. 2011. “Mean Voter Representation and Partisan Constituency Representation: Do Parties Respond to the Mean Voter Position or to their Supporters?” Party Politics 17(3): 275-301. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence. 2011. “Reply to Dow: Party Positions, Votes, and the Mediating Role of Electoral Systems?” British Journal of Political Science 41: 448-452.(PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence. 2010. Linking Citizens and Parties: How Electoral Systems Matter for Political Representation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Publisher’s Link)/(Amazon) Introduction.
Budge, Ian, Lawrence Ezrow, and Michael McDonald. 2010. “Ideology, Party Factionalism and Policy Change: An Integrated Dynamic Theory.” British Journal of Political Science 40: 781-804. (PDF)
Adams, James, and Lawrence Ezrow. 2009. “Who do European Parties Represent? How Western European Parties Represent the Policy Preferences of Opinion Leaders.” Journal of Politics 71(1): 206-223. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence. 2008. “Parties’ Policy Programmes and the Dog that Didn’t Bark: No Evidence that Proportional Systems Promote Extreme Party Positioning.” British Journal of Political Science 38(3): 479-497. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence. 2008. “On the Inverse Relationship between Votes and Proximity for Niche Parties.” European Journal of Political Research 47(2): 206-220. (PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence. 2007. “The Variance Matters: How Party Systems Represent the Preferences of Voters.” Journal of Politics 69(1): 182-192.(PDF)
Adams, James, Michael Clark, Lawrence Ezrow, and Garrett Glasgow. 2006. “Are Niche Parties Fundamentally Different from Mainstream Parties?: The Causes and Electoral Consequences of Western European Parties’ Policy Shifts, 1976-98.” American Journal of Political Science 50(3): 513-529.(PDF)
Ezrow, Lawrence. 2005. “Are Moderate Parties Rewarded in Multiparty Systems?: A Pooled Analysis of Western European Elections, 1984-98.” European Journal of Political Research 44(6): 881-898.(PDF)
Adams, James, Michael Clark, Lawrence Ezrow, and Garrett Glasgow. 2004. “Understanding Change and Stability in Party Ideologies: Do Parties Respond to Public Opinion or to Past Election Results?” British Journal of Political Science 34(4): 589-610.(PDF)